As I mentioned in my previous email, I’m now writing for Aporia Magazine. My first article since moving over there was just published:
I think you’ll really enjoy Aporia. In the last couple of weeks, we’ve published articles on whether human races exist, how religions are dealing with artificial intelligence, and whether high-IQ helps you survive in the jungle. Our recent podcast guests include psychologist Michael Bailey and conservative writer Ed West.
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Image: Aporia logo, 2023
Mass immigration goes hand in hand with human husbandry, slavery and war, it's a form of elite globalist control used to annihilate the IQs of targeted states for the benefit of that's states elite. The first rule of human husbandry is never let the livestock get too smart, start a war to cull the herd if necessary.
That's why the US parked its military in Afghanistan for over 20 years, it was not to kill bad guys, it was to run up debt and degrade the US military while at the same time the US was inundated with hostile 3rd world low IQ immigration, much of it from Marxist Muslim populations prone to terrorism.